Monday, May 23, 2005


I began working on a training course for SystemC called "Introduction to SystemC" by Forte Design Systems. It is a large tutorial designed to give a broad view of SystemC and its syntax. Example code is given; following each section is a short quiz.

The chapters include: Introduction to System C, Channels and Modules, Events and Processes, Structure, Modeling, and Functional Verification.

- Understand why C++ is inadequate and in general how SystemC addresses these inadequacies.
- Understand modeling terms and model types used in SystemC.
- Understand at a high level how SystemC systems and modules are put together.
- Understand at a high level the SystemC module communication paradigm.

- Learn SystemC provided data types and their usage.
- Understand SystemC communication behavior using interfaces, channels and ports.
- Learn the SystemC provided channels.
- Learn how to declare the structure of a module.

- Learn about Events, the basic SystemC synchronization object.
- Learn about SystemC Processes: Thread and Method.


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