To allow testing of a multi-core systemC model, the Network-on-Chip model is used. In the original NoC model, the processing element (PE) was simple - it randomly generated addresses and data. The MSP430 systemC model will be used to replace the PE to create a more realistic model for testing.
A network interface has to be created to connect a MSP430 to the network. Each network interface will handle creation and disassembly of packets. A packet will contain a packet header (to give information about type of packet- data, control, etc...), the destination address, and the data. Once the network interface has received these three items, it will create a packet and pass it to the network. When the network interface receives a packet, it will split it up and send it to the local MSP430.
A possible timing problem with packet creation could be solved possibly through the use of another pin that contains strobe information.
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