Wednesday, August 10, 2005

NoC Routing

Debugging was extensive today on the routing for the NoC. Timing issues and c code syntax were the main contributions to the bugs.

The NoC has now been tested and found to be successful in:
  • sending a large sum of packets around the whole network (peer-peer-peer-etc...)
  • sending "stop packets" to halt execution of a certain target PE
  • crisscross sending of packets (PE0 to PE2 and PE1 to PE3, simultaneously)
Work will continue in evaluating power consumption and other schemes of routing.


  • Evaluation next Wednesday
  • Work on benchmark for systemC designs
  • Research quantum computing (see ACM ISCA paper about quantum computing and low power)
  • Register for independent study for fall semester
  • 2-page paper about work done this summer

Friday, August 05, 2005

FDR2 - How to run

On the Linux machine in the lab, at a terminal command line, type cd $FDRHOME
Then type ./bin/fdr2

FDR2 will open and ask you which csp file to open up. You can then begin to use the program. You can check for deadlock, check for livelock, perform refinement, check the determinism, and evaluate the model.

CSP is a collection of algebraic operators that denote different ways of building and combining processes.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Transaction Level Model diagram

Network-on-Chip diagram

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Network-on-Chip Agenda

  • Connect clock to testbench modules
  • Global stop function to stop the systemC simulation (use extern for variables)
  • Buffer network interface receive, create a status register to check if buffer contains anything. - The buffer needs to be in a critical section (perhaps semaphore) so that the MSP doesn't read the storage while a packet is being received (messing up the storage count).
  • Network Interface not connected to bus by GPIO, but rather IO/register
  • Diagram the levels of SystemC modules (top, OCA, PEs, etc...)
  • Dummy ports to connect Network Interface unused ports (possibly think about revision of network interface to use both ports)