Wednesday, August 10, 2005

NoC Routing

Debugging was extensive today on the routing for the NoC. Timing issues and c code syntax were the main contributions to the bugs.

The NoC has now been tested and found to be successful in:
  • sending a large sum of packets around the whole network (peer-peer-peer-etc...)
  • sending "stop packets" to halt execution of a certain target PE
  • crisscross sending of packets (PE0 to PE2 and PE1 to PE3, simultaneously)
Work will continue in evaluating power consumption and other schemes of routing.


At 10/12/2008 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am really interested in your work. I am an undergraduate student creating an NoC Simulator using System C as my thesis project. I'd love it if we could contact each other. My e-mail is



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